May 2, 2015


It is still in a long weekend. It's a long public holiday of May 1st on Friday to the Wesak Day on Sunday. And Monday is a replacement holiday. 

Wake up early and getting ready to pick up friends at Phak Bara jetty at Satun, Thai. It is about an hour from my place but I have to go through immigresent and passport stamping. And later send them off to the airport for their flight back to KL. 

They were at Koh Lipe since two days ago and I am not joining them. I was in Koh Lipe once and not fancy about it. I am not fancy about beaches and island. 

Maybe because I have Thalassophobia - a fear with sea and water especially vast ocean. 

Maybe because I have issue with huge infinity depth thing with less clue for direction. 

But who else not? 

Budak takut

I slept after Subuh prayer earlier. Get myself glued with my thesis writing with little progress to be proud of. Merely productive online.

Switching between tab to tab, YouTube to Twitter etc. That distraction though. We do agree that Internet gives us unprecedented power to produce, but it simultaneously offers unprecedented opportunity to distract ourselves. That evil. 

Wake up around 9 am with heavy head. Doing some house chores - vacuuming and mopping while doing some thinking on my thesis writing. A progress. Thinking is also a progress - the actual ways of getting all that pictures playing in my head and transfer it to my writing later. And get writer block after 5 minute. Funny. 

I get some fishes I bought yesterday from the fridge and slices it into pieces. It's a lunch for this black white stray cat who will pop-up at my main door almost everyday - morning and evening, waiting to be feed. I named him budak takut (scared boy). 

Despite of knowing that I always feed him raw fish that be served in one plastic container, he will run if I ever come near him. The container was placed at the main gate of my house and he will only go and eat it once I step back in the house. Hence, I called him 'budak takut'. 

He must have a terrible experience during his childhood.